Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Accounting Software System of Motherboard and More Pty Limited

Question: Discuss about the Systems Documentation and Internal Controls. Answer: Introduction The attacks over the internet has been increasing the in the modern world. This has created a major problem or the business organization in the market. This report deals with Ransom ware attack have caused huge damage to organization. This report depicts accounting software system of Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. There are various challenges faced by the company in market. Some recommendations are provided in report for mitigating with the challenges. Revenue Cycle The revenue system of the company has been essential part. The Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. Company reduces motherboards, graphics cards and microchips in the market. The transportation and delivery of the products are done by the company. The headquarter of company is situated in middle of city and its branches is situated in outskirts of the city. The interface of websites of company has been friendly to users. This has helped in maintaining the customer interaction with the website (Dickinson, 2017). The user and customer have to place an order regarding their needs and requirements over the website. After that, the order is transferred to the warehouse of the company for further evaluation. The packaging of the products us done in the warehouse of the company. The products are transported to the destination after the packaging. The workers in the company delivers the product to the respective customer. The huge amount of orders in the company makes difficult for the workers to keep the track of the products in warehouse. Therefore, this has created an issue in the management of the products in warehouse (Gupta Tripathi, 2017). The inventory system of company is well established to handle these issues. The delivery of the products to the respective customers have satisfied the customer in the market. The satisfaction level of the customers has been high in respect to the company in the market. Identification of threats The threats and risks in the company has been identified by the research department of the company. Following are the risks in company: Internal Control Weaknesses There is no counting for inventory items. Effect of the Weaknesses The products record is not kept correct that have caused loss in the products. Control methods The data and information of products have to be stored and the database or inventory bf the company that helps in maintaining record of products in warehouse. There is a requirement of a close camera I the warehouse that helps in monitoring the warehouse properly. Ransom ware Attack The ransom ware attacks was initiated in the May 2017 causing damage to many companies all over the world. Many data and files were hacked and a ransom was asked for recovering them (Collier, 2017). The hackers used to misuse the data and information of the company and asked for certain amount of ransom to stop misuse of files and information. The underlying ransom was asked US$300. This sum was increased after few hours. The attacks spread from one system to another system with the help of viruses and malwares over the internet (Mohurle Patil, 2017). The security gaps in the protocol of the networks of the companies have helped in the attacks. After the attack, Microsoft declared that they are preparing fundamental patches that helps in mitigating with the viruses. The users used to update the windows frequently that causes obsolete for the other windows version. Most of the users were updating their windows version in order to be safe from the ransom ware attack (Martin, Kinross Hankin, 2017). There are has been many attacks in the hospitals of England. According to a survey, there were $57,000 ransom were collected from 99 countries all over the world. Solutions The severity of the ransom ware attacks has given rise to various solutions to the challenges faced by the business organizations. The best way to remain safe from the ransom ware attack is by installing an antivirus of ransom ware virus (Chinthapalli, 2017). This antivirus helps in preventing the system and network from the ransom ware attack in the business organization. This antivirus helps in locating the information about the place of the attacker. Therefore, the user can back up the data and information on other external devices. Backing up data helps in recovering the lost data and information due to cyber-attacks (Collier, 2017). They used to email various malwares and viruses that causes data breach form the email account if the user. Therefore, blockage of such emails is necessary for remaining safe from the ransom ware attacks. Recommendations It can be recommended that the Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. have to focus on keeping the record of the products in the warehouse. This helps in minimizing the loss of products in the company. A proper database management is required in the company that hekpsn in maintaining the details of the products in the warehouse. The company have to use RFID that helps in digitalizing the product in the warehouse. With the use of the RFID, the workers can keep close look in the products and monitors its location in the warehouse. Thus might help in minimizing the risk of the loss of products in warehouse. Conclusion In conclusion, it is said that the cyber-attacks over organization have caused critical loss to the companies in the market. The loss of financial data and assets have damaged confidentiality of companies in the market. The case study of Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. have focused on challenges faced by company in managing products in warehouse. There are recommendations provided for resolving issues in company. References Chinthapalli, K. (2017). The hackers holding hospitals to ransom.BMJ,357, j2214. Collier, R. (2017). NHS ransomware attack spreads worldwide. Dickinson, D. (2017). Cybersecurity: Going Beyond Protection to Boost Resiliency. Gupta, G., Tripathi, K. (2017). STUDY ON RANSOMWARE ATTACK AND ITS PREVENTION.International Education and Research Journal,3(5). Martin, G., Kinross, J., Hankin, C. (2017). Effective cybersecurity is fundamental to patient safety. Mohurle, S., Patil, M. (2017). A brief study of Wannacry Threat: Ransomware Attack 2017.International Journal,8(5). Sittig, D. F., Singh, H. (2016). A socio-technical approach to preventing, mitigating, and recovering from ransomware attacks.Applied clinical informatics,7(2), 624.

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