Thursday, September 3, 2020

Students interest in a career as a civil engineer for the Kentucky Essay

Understudies enthusiasm for a vocation as a structural designer for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet - Essay Example The abilities obtained are pertinent to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet since they manage ventures that depend on huge information in physical sciences and arithmetic. I am a female, and have acquired an ACI Certification. I believe I have the stuff to turn into an individual from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Nonetheless, my authentication will terminate following five years, implying that I will have the option to offer quality and affirmed administrations for the following five years. I am receptive, and like learning new aptitudes. I am submitted in assuming a significant job in key discussions that relates manageability, environmental change just as vitality effectiveness. While I was examining, I regularly went to classes and workshops, just as connections with driving associations, which empowered me to tackle business related issues. Accordingly, I comprehend that structural designing works need consideration and cooperation. While considering arithmetic in school, I delighted in critical thinking, which is another ideal quality for structural specialists. I am currently searching for a chance to propel my vocation, and I am very cer tain that Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has all what I

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Texas Revolution Essay Essays - Mexico, Antonio Lpez De Santa Anna

Texas Revolution Essay Have you at any point accomplished something exclusively to assemble or spare your pride? In the Texas Revolution a solid and glad general named Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna fixed command over Texas so as to repopulate Texas with Mexicans, since the overwhelming race had become non-Mexicans. This war began as little disengaged conflicts, however in the end broke out into full-scale defiance. So as to end these regular rebellions, Santa Anna drove his few thousand Mexican soldiers into the revolutionary controlled San Antonio in February of 1836. The 187 Texas rebels warded off Santa Anna's rehashed assaults, yet on March 6, the Mexican soldiers at long last overran the fortification. Santa Clause Anna's soldiers, who endured more than 1,500 setbacks, followed through on an enormous cost for their triumph. Also that a month and a half later the Texas armed force returned killing more than 630 Mexicans inside 20 minutes and taking their solitary general, Santa Anna as detainee. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna firmly accepted that the level of Mexicans ought to be the prevailing populace. At the point when he discovered that the non-Mexicans exceptionally out numbered the Mexicans, he hurried to fix the control, and close the fringes over Texas. He attempted to give it his best shot to prevent the Texans from procuring their freedom and turning into a non-Mexican commanded state. The Texans emphatically wanted their autonomy and opportunity from the Mexicans. This left them just a single decision, to be industrious. They didn't let one misfortune pull them down, they returned for an unexpected assault on the Mexicans, driving them to their both their opportunity and freedom. I accept that General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna began the Texas Revolution exclusively to pick up control over the Texans and fabricate his own pride. To take a great many Mexican soldiers into a war and have in excess of 1,850 losses; over a war that could have been halted or settled toward the starting when the primary segregated assaults started! This gives me that there clearly was a huge pride issue, with both Santa Anna and the Texans. All in all, The Mexicans began and won the primary fight, ruling the war. In spite of the fact that, the Texans returned a month and a half later to make up for themselves and bring home both their opportunity and freedom from the Mexicans. History

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Presidential Election Of 1972 Essays - , Term Papers

The Presidential Election Of 1972 The Presidential appointment of 1972 had two in number up-and-comers, President Richard Nixon and George McGovern. There were numerous issues which had an incredible arrangement of significance to the political decision. The Vietnam war and the solidness of the economy at the time were two principle factors. The political race finished in one the biggest political embarrassments in U.S. history, being the Watergate break-in, and conceal, by President Richard Nixon. The Democratic party had an enormous determination of applicants from which to decide for the essential appointment of 1972. There were many notable competitors who entered the race for the selection. The main contenders were Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, Senator George McGovern of South Dakota and Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota. Different applicants who didn't get very as much acknowledgment were Alabama senator George C. Wallace, Mayor Sam Yorty of Los Angeles, Rep. Wilbur D. Factories of Arkansas, Sen. Vance Hartke of Indiana, previous Senator Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota, Mayor John Lindsay of New York City and Rep. Shirley Chisholm of New York. Chisholm was the main dark to run in a progression of presidential primaries. (Congressional Quarterly, Guide to U.S. Races, Third ed., 1994, pg.603-605.) 5 Senator Wallace had an overwhelming second in his battle while in Maryland. Toward the beginning of May a wiped out youngster named Arthur Bremer adjusted the legislative issues of 1972. As Governor Wallace crusaded toward certain triumph in the Maryland essential, Bremer ventured forward out of a strip mall group and shot him multiple times. Wallace endure, however at the expense of being deadened from the midriff down. Maryland's voters flooded out on political decision day to give Wallace an immense triumph, his last of 1972. While Wallace recovered, the millions who might have decided in favor of him as a Democratic or free competitor started to move in overpowering extents behind the application started to move in overpowering extents behind the appointment of Richard Nixon. (Benton, William. U.S. Appointment of 1972. Reference book Britannica Book of the Year. pg.12-13, 1973 ed.)1 At the point when the California essential was drawing nearer, Humphrey attempted to spare the selection for himself. Humphrey abraded his old senate companion (McGovern) for his costly thoughts on government assistance and his craving to cut the safeguard spending plan. It nearly worked. In any case, McGovern won the entirety of California's goliath appointment, and beat Humphrey 44.3% to 39.1% in the mainstream vote.5 That misfortune illuminated the end for Humphrey's Democratic selection. Many felt Edmund Muskie made certain to win the Democratic assignment for the appointment of 1972. Every political spectator conceded to the sureness that Congressperson Edmund Muskie of Maine would be the Democratic party's nominee.1 As the leader, he needed to catch the assignment early as was submitted to running in the entirety of the initial eight presidential primaries. Noticeable Vote based government officials arranged excitedly to support him. Among them: Gov. John Gilligan of Ohio; Leonard Woodcock, President of the United Auto Workers; Iowa Representative Harold Hughes; and Pennsylvania Governor Milton Shapp.1 Muskie had numerous supporters, and a decent possibility of accepting the selection, maybe even turning into the following President of the United States. President Nixon realized that Muskie had a decent possibility of winning and felt he needed to plan something for get Muskie out of the race. Nixon had seven men who were faithful to him make up bogus public statements about Muskie, and his better half. These public statements guaranteed that Muskie had illicit relationships with the two people, that he beat his better half, and afterward the topper which asserted that Muskies' better half was a heavy drinker. These bogus articulations decimated Muskies' battle and notoriety of being a quiet dependable up-and-comer. At that point one day mounting the bed of a truck left outside the workplaces of the archconservative Manchester Union Leader, Muskie propelled an assault on the paper's distributer, William Loeb. As he talked about Loeb's unflattering comments about Mrs. Muskie, the representative's voice broke, and the swarm saw tears structure in his eyes.1 This episode gravely imprinted Muskie's picture. After that occasion, individuals saw Muskie as a frail individual. They didn't need a powerless individual running the nation. Muskie had completed fourth in Pennsylvania, behind champ Humphrey, Wallace, and McGovern, and a far off second to McGovern in Massachusetts. He at that point pulled back with nobility. 1 Muskie later said of this episode: It altered individuals' perspectives on me, of what sort of a person I was. They were searching for a solid, consistent man, and here I was frail. (Congressional Quarterly, Chronology of Presidential Elections, Fourth ed. 1994, pg.329-330)6 After a long essential battle, and all the essential decisions, Senator George McGovern won the

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Wealthfront 529 Plan Launches

Financial Professional Content Wealthfront officially launched its new 529 plan November 1, 2016. The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan (Wealthfront Plan) is sponsored by the State of Nevada with Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, Inc. serving as program manager. Wealthfront serves as an automated investment advisor, designing individual portfolios for each account owner based on the owner's risk assessment and the beneficiary's expected college enrollment date. How does it compare? The Wealthfront Plan is unique in that, while it is technically an advisor-sold plan for which Wealthfront collects a 25 basis point advisory fee, it is not sold by third-party broker-dealer or RIA firms. Its distribution channel is strictly limited to Wealthfront clients, meaning you will need to be registered with Wealthfront in order to open and maintain an account with the Plan. Further, the Plan offers a favorable cost structure, where the advisory fee is waived on the first $10,000 for non-Nevada residents, and the first $25,000 for residents. In fact, if you compare the lowest and highest 10-year expense totals for all direct-sold plans against the Wealthfront Plan, excluding the 25bp advisor fee, the plan is the second lowest-cost plan on average (mean) after New York's direct-sold plan. And when you include the advisor fee it ranks 14th among direct-sold plans. Indeed, for an advisor-sold plan, this is impressive. Initially the Plan operates much like a direct-sold plan, since the investor needs to take the initiative to approach Wealthfront and establish an account. The appeal thereafter is that Wealthfront will manage both the 529 Plan and the investor's non-529 assets in a quantitative manner across accounts and over time. Wealthfront conducts a thorough analysis of its participants' time horizon, risk tolerance, and other factors when building and establishing their portfolios. All-in costs are kept low because the plan utilizes Vanguard and iShares ETFs in its asset allocation models. RELATED: The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan: Is college investing with a robo-advisor right for you? What does the Wealthfront Plan mean for human advisors? It's too soon to tell for sure, but the entry of Wealthfront to the 529 space probably represents less of a threat to traditional advisors and more of an expansion in terms of consumer access to professional college savings advice. Indeed, the financial technology behind the first roboadvisors evolved from the pursuit of a more cost-effective method of servicing the mass affluent market, whose smaller account sizes can be more difficult for advisors to manage and grow while collecting a reasonable fee. For decades, the wirehouses have been trying to figure out how to service and support smaller accounts using call centers and discount online brokerages. Today, technology advances are making financial management not only possible, but in some cases preferable for mass affluent investors who want the convenience and control that a provider like Wealthfront can offer. However, for the foreseeable future, traditional advisors whose clients include high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals will still be the bread-and-butter of the financial services industry. A recent survey of affluent investors by Wells Fargo found that seven in 10 viewed their financial advisor's services as important as that of their doctor. Given the complexities of investing, taxes, and the personal issues that impact both, there will always be a need for personalized financial advice with a human element. RELATED: Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan Details Page Additional Reading The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan "The B2C Robo-Advisor Movement Is Dying, But Its #FinTech Legacy Will Live On!" - by Michael Kitces, May 2, 2016 "Can Robo Advisers Replace Human Financial Advisers?" - by Lisa Kramer, The Wall Street Journal. Feb. 28, 2016 2015 Wells Fargo Affluent Investor Survey - Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 2015 This information does not constitute tax advice and is provided for informational purposes only. Please consult your tax advisor, financial advisor, local taxing authority, and/or plan provider or sponsor for more information. Financial Professional Content Wealthfront officially launched its new 529 plan November 1, 2016. The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan (Wealthfront Plan) is sponsored by the State of Nevada with Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, Inc. serving as program manager. Wealthfront serves as an automated investment advisor, designing individual portfolios for each account owner based on the owner's risk assessment and the beneficiary's expected college enrollment date. How does it compare? The Wealthfront Plan is unique in that, while it is technically an advisor-sold plan for which Wealthfront collects a 25 basis point advisory fee, it is not sold by third-party broker-dealer or RIA firms. Its distribution channel is strictly limited to Wealthfront clients, meaning you will need to be registered with Wealthfront in order to open and maintain an account with the Plan. Further, the Plan offers a favorable cost structure, where the advisory fee is waived on the first $10,000 for non-Nevada residents, and the first $25,000 for residents. In fact, if you compare the lowest and highest 10-year expense totals for all direct-sold plans against the Wealthfront Plan, excluding the 25bp advisor fee, the plan is the second lowest-cost plan on average (mean) after New York's direct-sold plan. And when you include the advisor fee it ranks 14th among direct-sold plans. Indeed, for an advisor-sold plan, this is impressive. Initially the Plan operates much like a direct-sold plan, since the investor needs to take the initiative to approach Wealthfront and establish an account. The appeal thereafter is that Wealthfront will manage both the 529 Plan and the investor's non-529 assets in a quantitative manner across accounts and over time. Wealthfront conducts a thorough analysis of its participants' time horizon, risk tolerance, and other factors when building and establishing their portfolios. All-in costs are kept low because the plan utilizes Vanguard and iShares ETFs in its asset allocation models. RELATED: The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan: Is college investing with a robo-advisor right for you? What does the Wealthfront Plan mean for human advisors? It's too soon to tell for sure, but the entry of Wealthfront to the 529 space probably represents less of a threat to traditional advisors and more of an expansion in terms of consumer access to professional college savings advice. Indeed, the financial technology behind the first roboadvisors evolved from the pursuit of a more cost-effective method of servicing the mass affluent market, whose smaller account sizes can be more difficult for advisors to manage and grow while collecting a reasonable fee. For decades, the wirehouses have been trying to figure out how to service and support smaller accounts using call centers and discount online brokerages. Today, technology advances are making financial management not only possible, but in some cases preferable for mass affluent investors who want the convenience and control that a provider like Wealthfront can offer. However, for the foreseeable future, traditional advisors whose clients include high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals will still be the bread-and-butter of the financial services industry. A recent survey of affluent investors by Wells Fargo found that seven in 10 viewed their financial advisor's services as important as that of their doctor. Given the complexities of investing, taxes, and the personal issues that impact both, there will always be a need for personalized financial advice with a human element. RELATED: Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan Details Page Additional Reading The Wealthfront 529 College Savings Plan "The B2C Robo-Advisor Movement Is Dying, But Its #FinTech Legacy Will Live On!" - by Michael Kitces, May 2, 2016 "Can Robo Advisers Replace Human Financial Advisers?" - by Lisa Kramer, The Wall Street Journal. Feb. 28, 2016 2015 Wells Fargo Affluent Investor Survey - Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 2015 This information does not constitute tax advice and is provided for informational purposes only. Please consult your tax advisor, financial advisor, local taxing authority, and/or plan provider or sponsor for more information.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Waiting For Godot And Dr Strangelove Essay - 1481 Words

â€Å"Significant texts in any period arise from particular ways of thinking and possess an enduring relevance.† Following the dropping of the atomic bombs at the end of World War Two, global consciousness began to slowly change due to the realisation that civilisation could be destroyed at the press of a button. Texts that are able to grasp these changes, depicting their immediate context while also reflecting on universal questions, possess enduring value. Waiting for Godot, the 1952 stage play by Samuel Beckett, challenged the idea of human purpose and also questioned the relevance of scripture and religious institutions. Similarly, Plath, in Ariel, a collection of poems posthumously published in 1965, challenged the same ideas, especially†¦show more content†¦The montage is accompanied by a non-diegetic string arrangement of the song â€Å"Try a Little Tenderness†. Kubrick specifically creates an overt sexual innuendo to make light of great fear. This fores hadows the rest of the movie where frequent sexual themes and comedic tropes are utilised to undermine previously unquestioned figures of authority. Beckett’s opening also foreshadows the rest of the play, as the setting begins the continual challenge of the institutional idea of human purpose, as it accentuates the lack of meaning - an idea also extended by the characters. When Estragon struggles to take off his boot, he mutters â€Å"Nothing to be done†, which Vladimir mistakes for existential discourse and replies with â€Å"I’m beginning to come around to that opinion. All my life I’ve put it from me.† Beckett uses verbal irony to show how the most simple statement could be mistaken as a philosophical pondering on existence, which in-turn is designed to pose the question of whether individuals truly have an essence. Similarly, Kubrick uses absurdist humour to force a questioning of what had been the bedrock of the western world: the political s phere. President Muffley, himself named after pubic hair wigs, attempts to avert atomic bombs being dropped on Russia and desperately calls the Chairman of the USSR. However he proceeds to waste time commenting on the good phone connection,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alice In Wonderland Compare And Contrast Essay - 1830 Words

The two texts that will be compared are, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland novel written by Lewis Carroll and Alice in wonderland the film, directed by Tim Burton. The purpose of comparing these two texts are too discover the differences and similarities between the original story and the film produced. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland was written in 1864 but this story originated from Charles L. Dodgson, who rowed a boat North-West of a village in Godstow with three girls, one being called Alice. Alice asked Charles to write that story down and this story then travelled the North-West of Godstow until Lewis Carroll published a remake in 1864. In 2010, Tim Burton’s purpose of the film Alice in Wonderland, was to let Alice go back to†¦show more content†¦Humpty dumpty asked Alice how old she was, and Alice replied with â€Å"Seven and a Half† humpty then said â€Å"Now if you ask me I would have left at seven† this was a way for the readers to realise that Alice was young and what she was doing was brave for her age. Whereas the film, Alice had an attitude and never did anything that sounds â€Å"ridiculous† to her or didn t fit her style. She followed her heart and did what made sense to her. In the film Alice’s mother had an arranged engagement party for Hamish, Alice’s soon to be husband, that Alice did not want, she had different expectations on everything compared to her mother and family members. Hamish’s mother and many other that come across Alice through her adventures state that â€Å"Alice you should do what you believe is the right choice† displaying that they know she is independant and can make choice herself. This also included scenes through the film, to demonstrate her independence. At the start of the film Alice was portrayed as a confused girl, continuously saying â€Å"I am Alice† and â€Å"I’m the right Alice†, without knowing what she has to do for Wonderland. As the film continues, Alice starts to know her purpose and understand why she is there, adventuring through the wonders of wonderland by herself. In this scene Alice is locked away in the red queen’s castle and for her way of getting out is persuading the red queen’s creature. At the start of the film, the dormouse saved Alice from the red queen’s animal byShow MoreRelatedHobbit Shake Guide6595 Words   |  27 Pagesdwarves? 5.What two things does Gandalf give Thorin? 6.How did the dwarves lose their treasure and kingdom? Vocabulary audacious (29) rune (32) abreast (32) legendary (34) obstinately (34) prudent (34) remuneration (34) necromancer (37) Discussion and Essay Topics 1. What does the word hobbit make you think of? 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Accounting Software System of Motherboard and More Pty Limited

Question: Discuss about the Systems Documentation and Internal Controls. Answer: Introduction The attacks over the internet has been increasing the in the modern world. This has created a major problem or the business organization in the market. This report deals with Ransom ware attack have caused huge damage to organization. This report depicts accounting software system of Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. There are various challenges faced by the company in market. Some recommendations are provided in report for mitigating with the challenges. Revenue Cycle The revenue system of the company has been essential part. The Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. Company reduces motherboards, graphics cards and microchips in the market. The transportation and delivery of the products are done by the company. The headquarter of company is situated in middle of city and its branches is situated in outskirts of the city. The interface of websites of company has been friendly to users. This has helped in maintaining the customer interaction with the website (Dickinson, 2017). The user and customer have to place an order regarding their needs and requirements over the website. After that, the order is transferred to the warehouse of the company for further evaluation. The packaging of the products us done in the warehouse of the company. The products are transported to the destination after the packaging. The workers in the company delivers the product to the respective customer. The huge amount of orders in the company makes difficult for the workers to keep the track of the products in warehouse. Therefore, this has created an issue in the management of the products in warehouse (Gupta Tripathi, 2017). The inventory system of company is well established to handle these issues. The delivery of the products to the respective customers have satisfied the customer in the market. The satisfaction level of the customers has been high in respect to the company in the market. Identification of threats The threats and risks in the company has been identified by the research department of the company. Following are the risks in company: Internal Control Weaknesses There is no counting for inventory items. Effect of the Weaknesses The products record is not kept correct that have caused loss in the products. Control methods The data and information of products have to be stored and the database or inventory bf the company that helps in maintaining record of products in warehouse. There is a requirement of a close camera I the warehouse that helps in monitoring the warehouse properly. Ransom ware Attack The ransom ware attacks was initiated in the May 2017 causing damage to many companies all over the world. Many data and files were hacked and a ransom was asked for recovering them (Collier, 2017). The hackers used to misuse the data and information of the company and asked for certain amount of ransom to stop misuse of files and information. The underlying ransom was asked US$300. This sum was increased after few hours. The attacks spread from one system to another system with the help of viruses and malwares over the internet (Mohurle Patil, 2017). The security gaps in the protocol of the networks of the companies have helped in the attacks. After the attack, Microsoft declared that they are preparing fundamental patches that helps in mitigating with the viruses. The users used to update the windows frequently that causes obsolete for the other windows version. Most of the users were updating their windows version in order to be safe from the ransom ware attack (Martin, Kinross Hankin, 2017). There are has been many attacks in the hospitals of England. According to a survey, there were $57,000 ransom were collected from 99 countries all over the world. Solutions The severity of the ransom ware attacks has given rise to various solutions to the challenges faced by the business organizations. The best way to remain safe from the ransom ware attack is by installing an antivirus of ransom ware virus (Chinthapalli, 2017). This antivirus helps in preventing the system and network from the ransom ware attack in the business organization. This antivirus helps in locating the information about the place of the attacker. Therefore, the user can back up the data and information on other external devices. Backing up data helps in recovering the lost data and information due to cyber-attacks (Collier, 2017). They used to email various malwares and viruses that causes data breach form the email account if the user. Therefore, blockage of such emails is necessary for remaining safe from the ransom ware attacks. Recommendations It can be recommended that the Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. have to focus on keeping the record of the products in the warehouse. This helps in minimizing the loss of products in the company. A proper database management is required in the company that hekpsn in maintaining the details of the products in the warehouse. The company have to use RFID that helps in digitalizing the product in the warehouse. With the use of the RFID, the workers can keep close look in the products and monitors its location in the warehouse. Thus might help in minimizing the risk of the loss of products in warehouse. Conclusion In conclusion, it is said that the cyber-attacks over organization have caused critical loss to the companies in the market. The loss of financial data and assets have damaged confidentiality of companies in the market. The case study of Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. have focused on challenges faced by company in managing products in warehouse. There are recommendations provided for resolving issues in company. References Chinthapalli, K. (2017). The hackers holding hospitals to ransom.BMJ,357, j2214. Collier, R. (2017). NHS ransomware attack spreads worldwide. Dickinson, D. (2017). Cybersecurity: Going Beyond Protection to Boost Resiliency. Gupta, G., Tripathi, K. (2017). STUDY ON RANSOMWARE ATTACK AND ITS PREVENTION.International Education and Research Journal,3(5). Martin, G., Kinross, J., Hankin, C. (2017). Effective cybersecurity is fundamental to patient safety. Mohurle, S., Patil, M. (2017). A brief study of Wannacry Threat: Ransomware Attack 2017.International Journal,8(5). Sittig, D. F., Singh, H. (2016). A socio-technical approach to preventing, mitigating, and recovering from ransomware attacks.Applied clinical informatics,7(2), 624.