Sunday, December 29, 2019

French Indirect Objects and Indirect Object Pronouns

Indirect objects are the objects in a sentence to  or for whom/what* the action of the verb occurs.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Im talking to Pierre.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Je parle à   Pierre. To whom am I talking? To Pierre.  Ã‚  Ã‚  He buys books for the students.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il achà ¨te des livres pour les à ©tudiants. For whom does he buy books? For the students. *For only in the sense of a recipient as in, I bought the gift for you not when it means on behalf of (he speaks for all the members). Indirect Object Pronouns   Indirect object pronouns are the words that replace the indirect object, and in French, they can only refer to a person or other animate noun. The French indirect object pronouns are:  Ã‚  Ã‚  me / m  Ã‚  Ã‚  me  Ã‚  Ã‚  te / t  Ã‚  Ã‚  you  Ã‚  Ã‚  lui  Ã‚  Ã‚  him, her  Ã‚  Ã‚  nous  Ã‚  Ã‚  us  Ã‚  Ã‚  vous  Ã‚  Ã‚  you  Ã‚  Ã‚  leur  Ã‚  Ã‚  them Me and te change to m and t, respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H. When deciding between direct and indirect objects, the general rule is that if the person or thing is preceded by the  preposition  Ãƒ  Ã‚  or  pour, that person/thing is an indirect object. If its not preceded by a preposition, it is a direct object. If its preceded by any other preposition, it cant be replaced  by an object pronoun.  Like direct object pronouns, French indirect object pronouns are usually  placed  in front of the verb.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Im talking to him.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Je lui parle.  Ã‚  Ã‚  He buys books for them.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il leur achà ¨te des livres.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Im giving the bread to you.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Je vous donne le pain.  Ã‚  Ã‚  She wrote to me.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elle ma à ©crit. In English, an indirect object can be animate or inanimate. This is also true in French; however, an indirect object pronoun can replace the indirect object only when it is an animate noun: person or animal. When you have an indirect object thats not a person or animal, it can only be replaced with the adverbial pronoun y. So, pay attention to him would be fais attention à   lui, but pay attention to it (e.g., the program, my explanation) would be fais-y attention. With most verbs and in most tenses and moods, when the indirect object pronoun is first or second person, it has to precede the verb:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hes talking to me Il me parle, not Il parle à   moiWhen the pronoun refers to the third person, you can use a stressed pronoun after the verb and the preposition à   in order to stress the distinction between masculine and feminine:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Im talking to her Je lui parle, à   elleHowever, with some verbs, the indirect object pronoun has to follow the verb—see verbs that dont allow a preceding indirect object pronoun. The imperative has different rules for word order. In French,  Ãƒ  Ã‚  plus a person can usually be replaced by an indirect object pronoun:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jai donnà © le livre à   mon frà ¨re - Je lui ai donnà © le livre.  Ã‚  Ã‚  I gave the book to my brother - I gave him the book.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il parle à   toi et à   moi - Il nous parle.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hes talking to you and me - Hes talking to us.However, a few  French verbs  and expressions* do  not allow a preceding indirect object pronoun, and what to use instead depends on whether the indirect object pronoun  is a person or a thing. When the Indirect Object Pronoun Is a Person When  the indirect  object is a person, you must keep the preposition  Ãƒ  Ã‚  after the verb, and follow it with a  stressed pronoun:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Je  pense  Ãƒ  Ã‚  mes  sÅ“urs - Je  pense  Ãƒ  Ã‚  elles.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Im thinking about my sisters - Im thinking about them.   Wrong:  xx Je  leur  pense  xx  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il doit  shabituer  Ãƒ  Ã‚  moi.  (no change)  Ã‚  Ã‚  He has to get used to me. Wrong:  xx Il doit  mhabituer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Fais attention à   ton prof - Fais attention à   lui.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pay attention to your teacher - Pay attention to him.   Wrong:  xx Fais-lui attention xxIt is also possible, though rare, to replace the person with the  adverbial pronoun  y:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Je  pense  Ãƒ  Ã‚  mes  sÅ“urs - Jy  pense.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il doit shabituer à   moi. - Il doit sy habituer.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fais attention à   ton prof - Fais-y attention. When the Indirect Object Pronoun Is a Person When the indirect object is a thing, you have two equally acceptable choices: You can either keep the preposition  Ãƒ  Ã‚  as above but follow it with an  indefinite demonstrative pronoun, or you can replace the preposition and indirect object with  y: Je  songe  Ãƒ  Ã‚  notre  jour de  mariage  - Je  songe  Ãƒ  Ã‚  cela, Jy  songe. Im dreaming about our wedding day - Im dreaming about it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Wrong:  xx Je lui songe xx   Ã‚  Ã‚  Fais attention à   la leà §on - Fais attention à   cela, Fais-y attention.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pay attention to the lesson - Pay attention to it.   Wrong:  xx Fais-lui attention xx  Ã‚  Ã‚  Il faut penser à   tes responsabilità ©s - Il faut penser à   cela, Il faut y penser.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Think about your responsibilities - Think about them. Wrong:  xx Il  faut  lui  penser  xx *French Verbs and Expressions That Dont Allow a Preceding Indirect Object Pronoun en appeler to appeal to, address avoir affaire to have to deal with avoir recours to have recourse to croire to believe in tre to belong to faire allusion to allude to faire appel to appeal to, address faire attention to pay attention to shabituer to get used to penser to think of, about recourir to have recourse to renoncer to give up, renounce revenir to come back to rver to dream of songer to think, dream of tenir to be fond of, care about venir to come to

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Short Story - 828 Words

I walked stiffly for the siesta His Excellency ordered. As a part of Cos’s men I had walked 24 miles straight with no food and water His Excellency ordered us to rest. I was camping in a little camp that was by a small forest . I went to the small camp where , Manuel, Samuel, Carlos, and LopEz. The four of us were good friends. Carlos is the silent type, while Lopez is a prankster, Samuel is the Brawns and his brother Manuel is for the most part the brains. And as if to prove me wrong Manuel pulls a chunk of bread he had snagged from the rations earlier. My jaw fell open and from the looks of the others they feel the same way. Lopez’s was the first one to speak. â€Å"Where’d you get that,† he spoke with astonishment. Samuel says with a smile†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!† Soon a wave of cavalry swept past us knocking down tents and killing confused Mexican soldiers. Lopez and Manuel had already been woken up and they too held their muskets. As I got up I grabbed my musket and went beside the others and managed to get a crackshot at calvary soldier. I managed to shoot three shots before I managed to hit kill a horse before a yell came from behind me. I crane over my neck and see Luis clutching his Side. I drop my musket and go to his side. I try to stop the blood pouring out of his side but it keeps coming no matter what I do. I try to look him in the eyes but they are blank. The shock hits me hard and I look at my hands covered in his blood. Sick to my stomach somehow manage to get up and get my musket. I shoot again but the truth is obvious. We are losing. I grab Carlos’ coat and yank He looks at me and I see the fear in his eyes. â€Å"We have to leave,† I say â€Å"We’ll either die or get captured.† He looks around us and nods. He gets Manuel and Samuel and the nod grimly. We quickly reload before making a dash for the marsh. As we ran a bullet grazed my calf, but the fear of dying kept me running. Samuel is the first to make it to the marsh followed by Manuel, Carlos, and I. The stench is horrendous and Manuel gags but we continue.†Up ahead,† I yell. WeShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Answers to math 230 Free Essays

1. The slope of a function at the point of its local or global maxima is zero. Explain why using an example. We will write a custom essay sample on Answers to math 230 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The slope of a function is zero at the point of its local or global maxima because of the fact that it is the point where the function is horizontal, thus the slope is really zero. For example, given a function f(x) =-x^2. The first derivative of f is -2x and equating it to zero will yield to solution x=0 which is our candidate for maximum or minimum point. Furthermore, we apply the second derivative test. The second derivative is -2 thus 0 is a local maximum. Accidentally 0 is the only local maximum thus 0 is also the global maximum of the function. At x=0, f(x) =0, which has slope of 0. 2. Show how the derivative of the function f(x) = (2x^4) (3x+2)2 can be obtained with out using the product rule. We can differentiate the given function 2x^4 (3x+2)2 without using the product rule by just simply distributing (2x^4) to the term (3x+2) giving you 6x^5+ 4x^4. Afterwards, multiply it with the constant 2, thus you have 12x^5+8x^5. Now you can solve the derivative using the simple idea of getting the derivative of function.   Hence you have (12)(5)(x^5-1)+(8)(5)(x^4-1) yielding you to 60x^4+40x^3 which is the derivative of the function f. 3. Provide a discussion showing that the limit of the function, f(x) =2x^4 / (x-2) does not exist at x=2. It is possible that the limit of a given function doest not exist at a particular point. In the problem, to show that the limit of f(x) as x approaches 2 does not exist we need to get the right hand side and left hand side limit of f(x). The right hand side limit of f is positive infinity while the left hand side limit of f is negative infinity. Since they are not equal, we are forced to conclude that the limit of f(x) does not exist. Reference: What the Derivative Tells Us About a Function. Retrieved October 12 2007 from How to cite Answers to math 230, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Developing Skills in Counselling Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthe

Question: Discuss about the Developing Skills in Counselling. Answer: The present essay is attempting to evaluate numerous definitions of counseling and the fundamental skills to become a trained counselor. More precisely, the discourse has the aim to identify various perspectives and scholarly view regarding the premise of counseling. At the same time, it is the purpose of the paper to see what the five major skills are or abilities that should be possessed by an efficient counselor. The aim of evaluating the above mentioned aspects is required in order to understand whether in the above mentioned counseling session, the fundamental skills of counseling have been applied or not. Finally, the discourse will end up by identifying as well as assessing the particular limitations those the counselor has encountered in time of pursuing the counseling. Therefore, understandably the paper has two major concerns. One is to identify various definitions and chief skills of counseling and the second is to understand whether the skills have been properly applied i n the counseling session or not. In this context, it is to mention that the fundamental aspect of counseling relies on the provision of assistance in a professional level to resolve psychological issues (Moloney, 2016). The word counseling can be defined as a distinct application of mental health and principles of human development with the help of cognitive, systematic and effective intervention strategies to address mental wellness and personal growth. As per Tolan and Cameron (2016), counseling is a distinct way of assisting mentally troubled individuals to resolve various crisis associated with life through personal change, healing grief and developing the personal meaning. On the other hand, according to Meekums et al., (2016), counseling should be defined as a particular act of helping clients who are suffering from psychological complications. Therefore, in other words the definition of counseling can be put as a relationship of trust. Nevertheless, as defined by the Dictionary of counseling, counseling is a distinctly principled relationship that is characterized by the proper application of one or more than one psychological theory and at the same time a recognized set of skills of communic ation, which is modified by experience, various interpersonal factors, problems and the intimate concern of the clients. On the other hand, based on Van Deurzen and Adams (2016), the term counseling should be defined as a particular activity undertaken by the people who agree to occupy the position of a counselor. However, as argued by Fairclough (2016), the proper definition of counseling says that counseling is a service that is sought by people who are in distress and or in a degree of confusion and wish to discuss as well as resolve the issues through a confidential and disciplined relationship. In this respect, it is to mention that the practice of counseling is dealt with wellness, career, and personal growth and at the same time pathological concern. As defined by the BAC (British Association for Counseling), counseling is a principled utilization of a confidential relationship that is to make ease of emotional acceptance, optimal advancement of personal resources and self-knowledge (Lowe, 2016). It has been identified that various time counseling is defined by the aim of providing the opportuni ties to work towards living a more resourceful and satisfying life. However, the most well known definition of counseling is found to be the particular process takes place when a counselor with a mentally troubled individual set aside time for exploring various difficulties, which include stress and numerous emotions. Nevertheless, probably the most interesting percept regarding counseling is the concept that says the aspect of counseling is a wonderful invention of the twentieth-century. Following this particular percept, it can be said that counseling is cultural invention, which aids significant contribution to the standard of the lives of millions of individuals. Nonetheless, in the words of Bayne and Jangha (2016), a simple definition of counseling falls under the well known umbrella phrase of talking therapies, which says that the process of counseling makes a comfortable as well as confidential atmosphere where people can discuss their psychological and personal issues to a trained person. Henceforth, it can be said that there are different p erspectives of different scholars and institution about the predominant definition of counseling (Olsen, 2016). However, it is understandable from the above discussion that counseling is a process of giving mental support to people and sort out their psychological issues. In this context, it is required to mention that there is confusion between the definition of psychotherapy and counseling. According to Klonek et al., (2016), the definition of counseling is supported by the predominant aim of accepting assets as well as limitation in place of pursuing fundamental change in human personality. On the other hand, the definition of psychotherapy is a process of relieving a patient from distressful neurotic symptoms or discordant human characteristics those interfere the individuals satisfactory adaptation of the outside world. As mentioned in the inaugural part of the present discourse, the context is attempting to identify the predominant skills of a trained counselor. According to that, it has been identified that the basic skills that a properly trained and educated counselor should have are the skill of listening, showing empathetic response, ask questions, and make interpretations of them. According to DArcy Jr et al., (2016), the predominant skills, which every skilled counselor is required to possess are listening, attending, taking notes of the answers made by the clients and prior to that ask open-ended questions. However, as argued by McLeod (2016), a skilled counselor should have the ability to show genuine concern as well as positive and unconditional regard to the clients. More precisely, the five basic skills, which are required to be applied by every skilled counselor are empathy, listening and attending, asking open-ended questions and making proper interpretation, making self-disclosure a nd concrete communication (Almeida, 2016). The skill of empathy is to understand experience and situation of others. More precisely, the skill of empathy is to putting oneself into the condition of the others. In other words, it can be said that the role of empathy is to imagine a persons condition in a respectful manner and entering into the private world of another individual without making any judgment. The predominant symptoms of empathetic expression are open-mindedness, true commitment, accepting others opinions and imagination. As per Tolan and Cameron (2016), in order to achieve the proper ability of empathy, a person should have the capability of making verbal and non-verbal attending, making apt paraphrasing of the contents provided by the clients and reflecting upon the feelings of the clients. On the other hand, the skill of listening and attending the client is another major basic skill that is required from every skilled counselor. The skill of giving attention is to align oneself physically with the patient or the client, so the person feels that he/she is getting complete care from the counselor (Ratt et al., 2016). The requirement for applying the skills of attending is encouraging verbalizations, leaning forward, making eye contact and nods. However, the role of listening is to capture as well as perceive both formal and non-verbal communication of the client. Most significantly, in time of counseling an individual, it is a basic requirement to ask relevant open-ended questions related to the clients situation and thereafter to make proper summarization of the answers. The act of making open-ended question is essential for providing the client the opportunity to express thoughts and opinions (Goss, 2016). On the other hand, the notion of taking notes after asking questions is necessary for counselor as it helps in making proper evaluation of the answers to reach to a proper decision or solution. Nevertheless, one skill that most of the time is being overlooked is the skill of being concreteness. More precisely, the skill of concreteness is the ability to keep communications specific and focused on particular facts associated with the concerns. Nevertheless, as per Goss (2016), in terms of applying the ability of concreteness, a person should avoid making generalize comments and abstract discussions. The skill of concreteness demands some f unctions like assisting clients to identify the specific problem, reminding the patients about the tasks those are required to be pursued by them to get rid of a situation and suggesting the clients to clarify facts and feelings. Therefore, it can be said that the skills of listening and making question are related with the skill of concreteness as the accomplishment of the skills rely on the successful application of concreteness (Nadkarni et al., 2017). However, in this respect it is to mention that various times, in form of applying the skill of concrete communication, counselors required to concentrate on emphasizing on the process and the contents taken place in time of the session. The benefit of applying the skill of concreteness helps in elucidating the problem of the clients and at the same time foster the time solving procedure. The skill of making self-disclosure is an ability of an efficient counselor to share personal experiences with the patients, which would be related to the problem or situation of the client. The intention behind applying the skill is to help the client to find a positive way to avoid the consequences of the issue (Tolan Cameron, 2016). It is significant to contemplate in the context that the skill of making self-closure is considered as an advanced counseling skills and most of the time it is regarded as a challenging skill. However, from the above presented transcription, I can say that my way of applying the skill of making self-disclosure has been most satisfactory. It is my fortune that I have successfully applied the advanced counseling skill successfully. The transcription is indicative of the fact that my skill of sharing personal experiences regarding my childhood and adolescent time. I believe the application will prove fruitful in near future. On the other hand, I have understood from the transcription that I have properly showed my ability to listen and attend the patient, as it is evident from the clients expressions. However, according to my understanding and knowledge regarding the basic and advanced skills of counseling, it is unfortunate to mention here that the skill of taking notes and interpreting them properly has not been properly applied. The transcription says that I have efficiently listened to the problems of the student though did not successfully taken notes of the several sign ificant points. However, I believe that my listening ability had been effective as I can see that the student gradually started to feel more confident. On the other hand, it is fortunate to note down that it has been my continuous thrive to make the student comfortable through my expression of empathy. At the same time, most of my questions have been open-ended so that the client has the space to share his though properly. However, it is include at the final section of the discourse is that, there has been certain limitations without which; I believe the session could have been more successful. The first issue, which has bothered my session, is my own incompetence of not taking notes continuously. It is disappointing for a trained counselor like me to encounter an issue like such. Furthermore, I believe there has been the need to talk to Mikes parents though it would have been unethical for me to do so. It is because; I was bound to maintain the confidentiality. However, it has been a continuous issue for me to recommend anything to the client because various times, patients feel that their counselor imposes suggestions upon them. Therefore, I personally think twice before making suggestions for the client. Most significantly, I believe in time of making self disclosure, it has been difficult for me to decide whether my issues and experience should harm the client or not. Moreover, there has been the p ressure to decide how much of my experiences should be shared to the student client. Finally, I need to conclude that instead of the fact that I have started doing the counseling only after getting consent from the guardian, it has been difficult for me to get the permission specifically from the students father. However, instead of all these constraints, I believe my session has gone well. References Almeida, N. (2016). A short introduction to counselling. Bayne, H. B., Jangha, A. (2016). Utilizing Improvisation to Teach Empathy Skills in Counselor Education.Counselor Education and Supervision,55(4), 250-262. DArcy Jr, J. R., Stiles, W. B., Hanley, T. (2016). 2 The Online Calming Effect: Does the Internet Provide a More Comfortable Modality for Conducting Psychotherapy?.THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SOCIAL NETWORKING, 17. Fairclough, S. L. (2016).The effects of the Student Success Skills program on the behavioral and cognitive engagement of grade 5 Exceptional Student Education students(Doctoral dissertation, Florida Atlantic University). Goss, A. (2016).Attitudes of Support Workers in Learning Disability Services towards Counselling Psychology(Doctoral dissertation, City, University of London). Klonek, F. E., Wunderlich, E., Spurk, D., Kauffeld, S. (2016). Motivational interviewing meets career counseling: An observational study of verbal counselor skills and client ambivalence.Journal of Vocational Behavior,94, 28-38. Lowe, C. (2016).Measuring the self-perceived transformational leadership skills of school counselors: A comparison across settings(Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA). McLeod, J. (2016).Using research in counselling and psychotherapy. Sage. Meekums, B., Macaskie, J., Kapur, T. (2016). Developing skills in counselling and psychotherapy: a scoping review of Interpersonal Process Recall and Reflecting Team methods in initial therapist training.British Journal of Guidance Counselling,44(5), 504-515. Moloney, L. (2016).Defining and delivering effective counselling and psychotherapy. Australian Institute of Family Studies. Nadkarni, A., Weobong, B., Weiss, H. A., McCambridge, J., Bhat, B., Katti, B., Wilson, G. T. (2017). Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP), a lay counsellor-delivered brief psychological treatment for harmful drinking in men, in primary care in India: a randomised controlled trial.The Lancet,389(10065), 186-195. Olsen, J. A. (2016).An examination of factors that relate to school counselors' knowledge and skills of multi-tiered systems of support(Doctoral dissertation, THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE). Ratt, J., Dubois, A., Caouette, L., Roussin, C., Goyer, L. (2016). A Haven for Suffering: Second Experiential Cooperative Research Study on the Foundations of Counselling and Psychotherapy.Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy/Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothrapie,50(3s). Tolan, J., Cameron, R. (2016).Skills in Person-centred counselling psychotherapy. Sage. Tolan, J., Cameron, R. (2016).Skills in Person-centred counselling psychotherapy. Sage. Van Deurzen, E., Adams, M. (2016).Skills in existential counselling psychotherapy. Sage.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Affirmative Action Essays (1810 words) - Social Inequality, Politics

Affirmative Action I'm doing a report on affirmative action. This is a very controversial issue that affects all people seeking job opportunities in a just manner. Once upon a time, there were two people who went to an interview for only one job position at the same company. The first person attended a prestigious and highly academic university, had years of work experience in the field and, in the mind of the employer, had the potential to make a positive impact on the company's performance. The second person was just starting out in the field and seemed to lack the ambition that was visible in his opponent. ?Who was chosen for the job you ask. Well, if the story took place before 1964, the answer would be obvious. However, with the somewhat recent adoption of the social policy known as affirmative action, the answer becomes unclear. After the United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, it became apparent that certain business traditions, such as seniority status and aptitude tests, prevented total equality in employment. Then President, Lyndon B. Johnson, decided something needed to be done to remedy these flaws. On September 24, 1965, he issued Executive Order #11246 at Howard University that required federal contractors ?to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed . . . without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin (Civil Rights).? When Lyndon Johnson signed that order, he enacted one of the most discriminating pieces of legislature in U.S. History. Affirmative action was created in an effort to help minorities leap the discriminative barriers that were ever so present when the bill was first enacted, in 1965. At this time racial tension was at its peak. White males, who controlled the hiring and firing of employees, occupied most of the corporate executive and managerial positions. The U.S. government, in 1965, believed that these employers were discriminating against minorities and believed that there was no better time than the present to bring about change. When the Civil Rights Law passed, minorities, especially African-Americans, believed that they should receive retribution for the years of discrimination they endured. The government responded by passing laws to aid them in attaining better employment as reprieve for the previous two hundred years of suffering their race endured at the hands of the white man. To many, this made sense. Supporters of affirmative action asked, ?why not let the government help them get better jobs After all, the white man was responsible for their suffering. While this may all be true, there is another question to be asked. Are we truly responsible for the years of persecution that the African Americans were submitted to? The answer to the question is yes and no. It is true that the white man is partly responsible for the suppression of the African-American race. However, the individual white male is not. It is just as unfair and suppressive to hold many white males responsible for past persecution now, as it was to discriminate against many African-Americans in the generations before. Why should an honest, hard working, open minded, white male be suppressed, today, for past injustice? Affirmative action accepts and condones the idea of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Do two wrongs make a right? I think mother taught us better than that. Affirmative action supporters make one large assumption when defending the policy. They assume that minority groups want help. This, however, may not always be the case. Some fought to attain equality, not special treatment. To them, the acceptance of special treatment is an admittance of inferiority. They ask, ?Why can't I become successful on my own? Why do I need laws to help me get a job These African Americans want to be treated as equals, not as incompetents. What the commission failed to realize was that there are thousands of white males who are not discriminating yet are being punished because of those who do. The Northern Natural Gas Company of Omaha, Nebraska, was forced by the government to release sixty-five white male workers to make room for minority employees in 1977. Five major Omaha corporations reported that the number of white managers fell

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Add Math Sba Essay Example

Add Math Sba Essay Example Add Math Sba Essay Add Math Sba Essay To fulfill this task the use of calculus is needed along with other mathematical ethos to help design a best suitable and cheap packaging that will be used to carry a grand amount of smaller products while cost remain in a stead/safe amount. Mathematical Formulation Below is a list of formulas applied to each question A. Tan = B. Substitution Area of triangle + Area of rectangle= Area of pentagon C. Differentiation D. The quadratic equation The quadratic formula OR Factorization of the quadratic formula Problem solution yes D CACM A Problem diagram c i) F is the mid-point of line BE and Its also the perpendicular of triangle EAI. The line OAF cuts triangle OAF in half resulting in two isosceles triangles. Since CUBICAL= CAFE and DC=BE, then FEB. and BEEF are both equal to corn. , , then Therefore ii) Since the total cross-sectional area is CACM then: Make y the subject in equation (i) Now sub (i) into (ii) Maximum area When the maximum area: Therefore the maximum cross-sectional area is 540 When the equation is divided by 60 it becomes: These are the two possible values of x that satisfies the maximum cross- sectional area being 300 300 480 540 Prism length=CM Since x=l, cross-sectional area=300 and cross-sectional perimeter=CACM Volume of prism= When the sides of the container is opened up it makes a net consisting off faces, 2 pentagonal faces and 5 rectangular faces. Length=cross-sectional perimeter=CACM Width-?prism length=CM Area of -?450 Total surface area (sum of the areas of each face) = Cross-sectional area+ area of rectangles +450 =1050 Fixed costs=$6000 Variable costs-? and Average costs (AC) For average cost to be a minimum X=600{Therefore 600 units has to be produced to maintain average cost at its minimum level. Since x=600 gives a minimum value Application of Solution Since x (the number of units produced) is equaled to 600, the average cost Of the product using the formula: Therefore the possible minimum average cost is $25 per unit Conclusion It was determined that the Trine Chocolate delights Ltd. Had to produce 600 units at the minimum average cost of $25 per tin of chocolates. Also the maximum cross-sectional area was determined to be 300 if the value of x was either CM or LLC. Since x (the number Of units produced) is equaled to 600, the average cost Of either CM or 1 CM.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Promise to Abraham Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Promise to Abraham - Essay Example Then the lord answered Abraham that no one will be his heir apart from the one who will come from the body of Abraham. In addition, God went further and directed Abraham outside at night. Then he told him to count all the stars that he saw above the sky. God told he would bore as many children as those stars in the sky1. Abraham had great believed in God, and he accounted it to him for righteousness. The lord then told him that he was the lord who brought him out of the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, then gave the land that he was dwelling in at that moment to inherit it. Consequently, Abraham wanted to if he would inherit that piece of land2. Following this question posted to the lord, Abraham was ordered to bring with him a heifer, female goat and an old ram all three years in age, turtledove and a young pigeon. Abraham then brought all these to the lord, divided them into two equal parts, and placed each peace opposite the other, but he did not divide the birds into two. In addition , whenever the vultures tried to interfere with the staff Abraham drove them away3. The time was going, and darkness was approaching as the sun was going down. Abraham felt a deep sleep, he was in slumber land, and beheld darkness accompanied by terror felt to Abraham. Then the lord appeared to him and told him that since his off springs would be strangers in a ground that was not theirs, they would serve them and afflict them for four hundred years. This came to succeed the sunsets and it was dark, and instantly came a smoking oven and a combusting torch, which passed against those meet pieces. On this same day, the lord God made a covenant with Abraham and informed him that he had landed his descendants land to dwell in starting from river Egypt to the great river Euphrates of Euphrates. Then Abraham gave thanks to God and headed to his missions4. Analysis of the literary style and the characteristics of the passage Following the first scene (Gen 1-5), the chief is Abraham’ s seed. God seeks to encourage Abraham in his fear by affirming that his reward would be very great (15: 1). Abraham responds by questioning him about the validity of the reward since he is childless. The lord assures Abraham that his ‘’seed will be more numerous than the stars in the heavens (Gen 4-5). He promises Abraham again what he is going to do in the near future, the ‘seed’ promise is as certain as the reliability of God5. Genesis 15:6 breaks the narrative pattern, Mosses affirms that Abraham responded to God’s promise of innumerable seed with faith. Based on Abraham’s faith, the lord reckons him as righteous. He recognizes Abraham as his loyal servant with whom he will enter into covenant. Genesis 15:7-18 recounts God’s making of covenant with Abraham. The stress in this part shifts to land promised by the lord to Abraham. He encourages Abraham with the fact that he had removed him out of Ur to lend him the land of Canaan as hi s heredity. (15:7). Therefore, the inheritance to be given to Abraham’s ‘’seeds’’ refers primarily to the land (15-8). In response to Abraham’s question, God gives assurance by entering into a covenant with him6. The covenant ceremony begins with the familiar pattern of the lord’s command and Abraham’s faithful obedience. The lord commands Abraham to take him certain animals. Abraham obediently comply cutting and laying some of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Disaster Relief Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Disaster Relief - Research Paper Example When the government relief operations machine hums efficiently, we see our government at work and conclude that its disaster relief policies are working. But how are these public policies on disaster relief formulated? What happens behind the great doors of congress that makes the policy as it is? What happens at the oval office that makes a difference in the public policies of the United States government? However, the most critical is the last question: What happens outside of these government offices that affect the outcome of our public policies? In this paper, I shall attempt to evaluate the different roles performed by different agencies in the formulation of our public policy on disaster relief, including the dynamics between and among these entities. Public policy is defined simply as â€Å"whatever governments choose to do or not to do.†2 In other words, every action by the government’s three branches – the executive, legislative and judicial – is governed by a pre-determined course of action. It necessarily includes the decision not to do anything about a certain issue. Interestingly, this interpretation also works in reverse wherein government action and inaction results in public policy. That is, in the form of lessons learned from its previous mistakes. There have been identified distinct stages in the policymaking process. These are problem identification, agenda setting, policy formulation, policy legitimation, policy implementation, and policy evaluation.3 For each of the aforementioned stage, a different group of actors is involved and a different dynamics between these concurring and opposing interest occur. Each actor is espousing a specific opinion or direction for the policy being formulated, each trying to promote its interests. It is the democratic process’ hopeful expectation that when different groups try to put into the policy their

Monday, November 18, 2019

FAR Small-Business Preference Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FAR Small-Business Preference - Research Paper Example These programs are specifically designed to help the veteran owned as well as service disabled veteran owned small business to gain from the federal contracts The congress has established key legislations that outline the important programs to assist service veterans in federal contract markets. The first legislation to be passed by the congress was done in the year 1999 (McFetridge, 2012). The veteran entrepreneurship and small business development act would assist me as a veteran by giving me an edge in securing annual government –wide procurement. This law stipulates that approximately three percent of the government procurement contracts would be awarded to service disabled veteran owned small businesses (Calibre Systems, 2013). This includes the total annual value of all subcontract and prime awards thus I stand a higher chance of getting contracts. This is because am shielded from competition from other multinational organizations and companies thus I compete only with my fellow service disabled veterans for the three percent allocations who are also small business owners. The public law 109-461 outlines the veterans’ first contracting program and applies to VA acquisitions. This law permits the department of veteran Affairs to sole source and restricted set-aside to both VOSBs and SDVOSBs. This law also establishes contracting goals that are unique to veteran affairs. This provides for 10% and 7% target for SDVOB and veteran owned businesses respectively (Calibre Systems, 2013). However, this law also provides for the verification of the status of veterans to be done by the department of veteran affairs. This makes the key element differentiating this program from SDVOSB procurement program. In this regard, the status of the veterans cannot be self represented but must be verified by the department of veteran

Friday, November 15, 2019

Converting Files into Different Formats

Converting Files into Different Formats Jay Kybert       Converting files to different formats is useful for several applications. One of the most common reasons for converting a file is to compress it, whether an image, audio track, etc. Compression is a useful computer tool that reduces the space these files takes up, the easiest way to convert a file for the average user is to simply enter the new file extension. Users can activate an option that allows them to see the file extension (.txt, .JPG, etc.). By navigating to File Explorer Options, users can untick the option marked red in the image below, this allows the extension to be shown on known file types, and therefore manually altered if wanted. The results of compression entirely depend on the type of file being converted and what its being converted to. For example, converting a .PNG file (Lossless Compression) to a .JPEG (Lossy Compression) will save space by decreasing the file size of the image, but it will also decrease the overall image quality due to the different methods of compression. File sizes vary dramatically, saving in one format may make the image look more crisp, but at the expense of a lot of disk space. Although it could be the complete opposite, with poor quality but little disk space. Bitmaps, a type of image that uses arrays of different coloured pixels, are the most common and efficient type of image. Vector images use lines and equations to create simpler and less-detailed images. Because of this, they are typically smaller in file size, but lack detail. Once a bitmap image has been created and is about to be saved, the user needs to know what the purpose of the image is, whether to have a high quality, large image, or the opposite. Bitmap images do allow for users to control the amount of compression the file will undergo, typically in the form of a variety of file formats or advanced compression options. The JPEG file format is widely used due to its several layers of compression. The image can be slightly compressed, if the space is needed, all th e way to 10% of the original file size (at the expense of the images quality). The table below details some of the common bitmap file formats, and some information regarding them. The JPEG is one of the most common file formats used in storing images. It has a variety of compression options that use a specific algorithm to reduce the quality to whatever the user wants. Its compression algorithm is lossy, meaning that the compression does degrade the overall quality of the image by decreasing the number of colours, making certain shades the same colour, etc. These methods reduce the number of bits required to store the file. As mentioned previously, JPEG is a useful file format since the user decides how compressed the image is going to be. Therefore, depending on the users preference, the file can be a slightly larger than normal JPEG but it will provide a crisp image. A PNG file uses lossless compression to provide a clear image with some element of compression. It is very similar to GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), however it does not support animations. When using the screenshot feature on a computer, many operating systems choose to compress the image automatically, saving more space. However, the Macintosh OS and some versions of Linux save a .PNG which is almost the raw, uncompressed image, providing a clearer picture. Opposite to lossy compression, lossless compression doesnt affect the original quality of the image and still decreases file size; however, it doesnt save as much space as lossy does. It works by reading the data of the bitmap and rearranging it in a more efficient way. Once the file is reopened there is no change in quality, only the file size has changed. To show the difference in compression and file size, I downloaded a royalty-free image from a website. I chose to save it as a .PNG, the image on the left proves this. I then saved the same image as a .JPEG. The image on the right shows this. The PNG file is almost five times larger than the JPEG, this clearly shows the relationship between file size and image quality. The organisation of a computer system is completely pointless if the files arent named appropriately. Younger computer users may simply write a keyword that has relevance, for instance a string of lyrics for an .mp3 song. This relevance in naming allows users to easily find the file later. However, naming a file random numbers or letters if in a hurry makes it harder to search for in the future, especially if there are lots of files on the same system. The image below shows two of my files and how they are organised on the system. For similar reasons to naming files, folder structure is very important to many people who use computers regularly and store a variety of data. Folders give a structure to the disk that is storing the information. Many operating systems have folders even before the user creates their own, they are designed for organisation. The best example of this is Windows Downloads, Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. Even though there are no restrictions on allowing a user to place a document in the Video folder, it would be counter-intuitive to do so. With businesses, where lots of information is stored, a vast amount folders are needed to cater to the variety of information; otherwise it would be difficult finding a specific file amongst thousands of other files. Creating subfolders is useful for this. Below is an example of my personal folder structure for this course. Lossless compression, as mentioned previously, is a method of reducing file size without affecting the overall quality of the image. It rearranges the data for the image in a more efficient way, which reduces the file size slightly, but preserves all the original bitmap. Therefore, the image looks as good as the original picture and takes up a smaller amount of disk space. If wanted, the compressed image can be changed back into a raw format, with no decrease in quality but an increase in file size. Lossy compression works by removing less-important parts of the bitmap, this reduces the number of bits required to display the bitmap and therefore the file becomes smaller. The less-important parts of the image are usually similarly-looking shades of colour, or colours altogether. By using less-colours or removing certain parts of the bitmap, the image still looks like the original but with less detail, depending on the amount of lossy compression depends on the compressed quality. Thus, files that use lossy compression have a much smaller size, but also poorer quality. Video files, audio files, etc. can also be affected by lossy compression. Sources

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

White Oleander Essay examples -- essays research papers

White Oleander, a dramatic fiction by Janet Fitch, was published by Little, Brown and Company in Boston. The story is about a mother and daughter, Ingred and Astrid have a very unusual relationship. Ingred loves her daughter but never asks her what she thinks so therefore doesn't know her daughter too well. Such as she does not know of her daughter's yearning for a father. Ingred makes it very clear that she will not allow herself to get close to a man. She is a very brilliant, beautiful poet, who is adored by a man named Barry Kolker. He goes to all of her readings, and asks her out each time. One of the times Barry invites her to go to the Gamelan, an orchestra. Loving the Gamelan, she accepts. Her and Astrid join Barry, and they begin talking more. They start going out more, but each time she makes and stands by regulations, such as he will invite her to eat after an event where they had not planned on eating and she will refuse, because she doesn't like to get attached to men, and doesn't want to spend anymore time than she had already allotted. All of a sudden, her rules start diminishing. One time, there was a knock at her door, and it was Barry. She thought to herself, 'how dare he just come without an invitation?'. When she opened the door (a knife in her hand), he had a bottle of wine, and bag of something that smelled good. To Astrid's surprise she did something least expected. She invited him in. One night Barry said he would be over to her house at 9 and nev...